Monday, November 17, 2014


My life right now:
-I'm a college sophomore with a 3.9GPA
-I'm the President of my college's chapter of Toastmasters (an international public speaking and leadership organization)
-I spin fire, I speak German, and I raise awareness about public health issues
-I have Gastroparesis

I try to live by Carpe Diem, but my health is a roller coaster. I don't want to let my college years pass me by, but a lot of the time that's what feels like is happening.

Medical History

-After six months of dealing with severe GERD and SIBO, my stomach stopped working. In January 2014 I was diagnosed with idiopathic gastroparesis--my stomach digested FIVE TIMES SLOWER than a normal stomach. And it got worse... over a matter of weeks I went from only being able to eat soft foods like rice and porridge to barely being able to keep liquids down. Most of the time, I couldn't leave the couch, my head was in a fog, and everything felt BAD.
-After my gastroenterologist prescribed Domperidone I was able to leave the house and live a little. I could meet friends for short periods of time, and I even managed to take a class. Eating was difficult and I was sick a lot of the time, particularly at night when symptoms tended to be worse.

-My health yo-yo'd every few weeks--sometimes I felt ok (almost normal!), and bad days were marked by reflux and nausea--other times I couldn't eat at all and was stuck in bed with severe abdominal pain.

-After a low point in June where I was throwing up and seeing black like I was going to pass out, a course of Xifaximin and Neomycin drastically improved my SIBO and made me feel more energized. I was able to go to parties, hike,and enjoy spending prolonged periods of time socializing. Things were looking up when I returned to college for my sophomore year. 

-Managing gastroparesis in college is difficult--college life revolves largely around food, and smells alone can make me nauseous. Most people were uncomfortable hearing about my illness, and even those who tried to understand couldn't fully grasp it. I had to miss classes and skip out on numerous social opportunities during my "bad days." Overall, however, I was happy and managing well.

-in October I took a trip to the Mayo Clinic to find out if there was anything more I could learn about or do to improve my symptoms. The week itself was awful--I had to go off Domperidone for them to run some tests, and I spent a lot of the time throwing up and in pain--but I came away feeling positive: the doctor said my stomach emptying study had improved drastically since January!!--a positive sign I would recover from this evil plague! He said I may always have sensitivities to certain foods and should be careful with my diet, but we expected continued improvement. I returned to college with renewed hope.

-two weeks after the trip, BOOM. Gastroparesis reared its ugly head again and knocked me flat. I woke up at 3:46am throwing up buckets, and I haven't been able to keep anything solid down for the last 8 days.

That brings me to the present. I missed a lot of class last week, as well as rehearsals for a big show this Friday. Nothing I consume--even liquids--sits well. I have bad reflux, nausea, and periodic severe stomach pains. I feel so weak, just getting out of bed is a challenge.

But, I'm doing it. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up, but at the moment, I am extremely proud of myself and redefining what it means to be strong. I've put so much work into this semester--I refuse to let it all fall apart with the end so close in sight.. 

I'm praying things will turn around any day now… I’m craving real sustenance and in desperate need of energy and a clear head… and I’m starting this blog as an outlet for my feelings. I hope I’ll someday be able to look back on this first post and marvel at how far I’ve come in this journey. 

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